JAWAR Duoflix
Chimney linersJAWAR DUOFLIX is a flexible chimney liner made of acid-resistant stainless steel.

oil / gas (condensing)


JAWAR DUOFLIX systems are used as chimney liners for securing existing brick chimneys. They are intended for the removal of flue gases from heating devices, both traditional and condensing ones, in residential and non-residential buildings.
Product description
JAWAR DUOFLIX to elastyczne wkłady kominowe ze stali kwasoodpornej. Stanowią kompletny zestaw wkładów do renowacji istniejących kominów murowanych. Są bardzo dobrą alternatywą dla wkładów sztywnych wszędzie tam, gdzie następują krzywizny lub załamania komina.
- Made of stainless steel grade 316L thickness 2 x 0,10mm,
- Working temperature: up to 600⁰C,
- Operation in wet and dry conditions,
- Operation in underpressure and overpressure,
- Minimum bending diameter: 3 x pipe diameter
- Installation inside of a brick chimney,
- Wide range of diameters,
- Easy and fast installation,
- Low heat capacity,
- High gas tightness.
Available diameters
80, 100, 110, 120, 125, 130, 150, 160, 180, 200, 250 mm
Application example

Environmental protection
The chimney liner is perfect for renovation of existing buildings. In the case of thermal modernization of a building and the need to use a more efficient heating device, it is necessary to install a chimney insert in a brick chimney to protect it against the negative effects of condensation.
Kit components
Basic elements:
For an extra charge:
Files to download
Assembly instructions JAWAR Flexible inserts
Size: 1.15 MB
Certificate JAWAR Flexible linears
Size: 558.59 KB
JAWAR CAD library Flexible liners
Size: 927.10 KB
JAWAR declaration of performance Flexible inserts
Size: 763.29 KB
Select a chimney
Are you wondering which chimney will be right for your home? Relax - you don't need to know anything about it. We are chimney specialists and we will be happy to help you. Use the convenient configurator that will quickly help you choose the right chimney for your home.